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The Bobby Tenderloin Universe

Edmonton, AB

Is Bobby Tenderloin the son of a preacher, born on a cold Alberta March, absorbing the spirit of unconditional love and uplifting crowds through a supernatural bond of heredity? Or is he the alter ego of Edmontonian music scene hero Paul Arnusch, whose musical virtuosity and magnetic performances have elevated great musical acts including The Wet Secrets?

When you’re caught up in the psych country stylings of Bobby Tenderloin, where the message comes from is less important than how you receive it. With a deep crooning voice echoing classic country stars and the man in black himself, the songs contain all the longing and lamentation to fill the crown of your cowboy hat with tears two times over. There’s also a humour and irony to the lyricism that transcends its influences without making fun of them, for instance the delicate ‘Cow Eyes,’ which compares the beauty of a potential suitor with the deep black eyes of a cowboy’s true favourite friend, Big Bovine Bessy. Though the temptation might be to draw a comparison to other contemporary reimaginings of the country genre, Bobby Tenderloin lives in an altogether different universe; one where mishaps become miracles and dreams come true. Blessed are the tender, for their loins shall inherit the kingdom of music.

— Liam Prost


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